B-Handling is the A + B brand with many years of experience in lfting and handling systems suitable for different types of loads.
Very often one of the main problems to be solved within companies concerns the ways in which to handle the pieces to be produced and the products within the mechanical worshops.
Practicality, simplicity and safety with a lean approach to the processes and production systems of our customers: this is our success.
In addition to the products themselves, we support customers with periodic installation and maintenance services on cranes and hoists, relieving them of administrative procedures to comply with legal obligations, as well as guaranteeing a longer life of the systems and above all a safe working environment.
As never before, in the world of lifting it is essential:
Customer needs
Companies nowadays are increasingly attentive to the safety of operators, therfore they need to facilitate their work with high-performance lifting systems.
Our technical department designs, following all the regulatins in force, the best solution to solve the customer’s problems.
As far as our production plant is concerned, we create all the solutions ourselves, which is why we ensure quality and safety.
In this regard, all the products made must pass a quality control process aimed at rationally eliminating any foreseeable risk or malfunction.
B-Handling is the turnkey solution for lifting systems