Dario Pelusi Finance & Strategy Manager

Hi Dario! I am happy to chat with you. Would you like to tell me about your role in the company?

Hi, I am Dario and I am the Finance & Strategy Manager. Quite simply, my role is to analyse the state of things that are not going well in order to understand the main causes and set up tools for their resolution or, more generally, to ensure that the company achieves the planned results. Seven years ago, when I arrived at the company, this role did not exist. It was introduced with my arrival and over time we tried to improve our working methodology, trying to anticipate problems instead of looking for their causes later (because looking for the causes of something that has already happened serves little purpose).

What, in your opinion, is the most important project you have followed at A+B Industrial Tools Company?

There are many! Certainly the opening of the four foreign branches was something new for me and for the group, which took me out of my comfort zone. Spain, in particular, started a new scenario for the Group, which then expanded into Germany, Poland and the Netherlands, and continued as an approach in the domestic market.
The great thing about this project was that I could and had to put my own spin on it. Unlike many realities, where it is difficult to break out of imposed patterns and never question, our great asset is the possibility to express ourselves.
The human value and characteristics of the individual are very valuable. This becomes crucial in certain circumstances and I am proud to say that this has also been the case for me.

What skills do you feel you have honed the most over the years?

In other companies I was a controller, behind my monitor, with my numbers, with my ideas locked away in my own corner. In A+B I started to make the mantra of ‘No Alibi’ my own, which allows me to be much more effective. There is no point in questioning too much about why the company failed. You are much more effective if you try to ‘move’ results as quickly as possible. Sometimes even searching for the perfect solution takes you away from the goal, you need to start finding effective solutions that are close in time and avoid letting too much time pass between the creative and realisation phases. This new way of approaching work forced me to put myself on the line, allowing me to sharpen my empathic side and increase my ability to manage relationships with others.

Are there any new projects or goals on the horizon? Do you think that the situation we are currently experiencing, brought about by Covid, can counteract the realisation of these goals?

Yes there is a big project, but it is not on the horizon, it is already in the thick of it. Certainly, the opening of other branches abroad is part of the company’s plans and objectives and I do not deny that in this growth process Covid has been a game changer, but this has also allowed us to focus on other aspects, even acting as an accelerator. In fact, we are currently engaged in a large group growth project, a project that is fundamental for our future, but also for me on a personal level. There are many companies, but above all people, who have seen ‘something’ in our project, companies that we grow and that make us grow, but this is not the end point, if anything it is only the starting point.