Lub factory

In the year of the restart, A + B Industrial Tools Company started a project called Lub factory.

This is the construction of a chemical pole located in Castel Maggiore that has all the intention and requirements to position itself among the most important and efficient in Europe, and which will see the light in the summer of 2022.

The goal is to create a production site that incorporates technology, innovation and productivity based on the most efficient models in the world.

Starting from the production process, you can choose the components directly from a control panel that will send the command via wireless to the mixers, all only after the checks and careful analysis of the raw materials. As regards the logistics part, the processes adopted will follow the Toyota method: semi-automatic trolleys aimed not only at making the collection of the finished product more efficient, but also its shipment.

As always, however, the real strength of our company lies in the know-how of highly qualified personnel. A personal that not only has more than 30 years of experience in the industry, but will also be an instrumental part of the development process of new formulations.
The evident efficiency and modernity of the plants make way for a new scenario, Lub factory.


Stay tuned

#lubro #innovation #aplusb #technology #productivity